

On the Sunday of the Blind Man our Parish also commemorated the name day of Matuska Melangell who travelled from her skete in Walsingham and brought a beautiful icon of her Patron Saint Melangell for the faithful to venerate during the service. We congratulated her after the Liturgy and thanked her for her continued friendship and support of our Parish.

Afterwards we celebrated the church wedding of Thiago (Seraphim) and Daniela (Anna). The couple converted to Orthodoxy and celebrated their baptism together in September 2023. During the ceremony the parishioners showered the newly weds with flower petals, and joyfully congratulated them singing ‘many years’. The wedding also coincided with Daniela’s birthday, so there were many causes for joy and celebration on this beautiful day.

The couple were very happy and described the day as being perfect. We celebrated after the ceremony with delicious food and cakes prepared by members of the parish. There was a sense that our parish community is very much a family in Christ, with friendships and deep spiritual connections with people from all over the world!

We wish the newly wedded couple a blessed and joyful Orthodox marriage together.
