Theophany 2025

Theophany 2025

For Theophany 2025 we were very blessed to celebrate the feast on a Sunday. The church was very full of the faithful who came to celebrate the Liturgy and commemorate the blessing of the waters. There was a very joyful atmosphere as Father Spasimir and Father Vladimir sprinkled the congregation with the newly blessed Holy Water.

After the conclusion of the service in the church, the parishioners made their way to the river Wensum, where for the first time in the history of our parish we conducted a blessing of the waters in Norwich. It is possibly the first time that such an Orthodox ceremony was conducted in the city!

After the blessing there was an opportunity for parishioners to dive into the river to fetch the cross. Only two brave volunteers came forward for the task, and the cross was retrieved by Yurij to great applause from the onlookers.

After the ceremony the parishioners returned to the church to celebrate the feast with joy and thanksgiving. On this day we are reminded how Christ sanctified the waters of the earth by His baptism, and it was a great and momentous occasion to bless the waters of the river Wensum. We hope that this blessing will now be our new tradition which will continue in the years to come.
