Easter 2022
After the long Great Lent, we celebrated Easter during the night from 23rd to 24th of April 2022. It is already the 4th Easter in our parish and, as usual, many parishioners were present at the night service.
It was a very blissful service, with a beautiful choir singing, and there was a feeling that the service wasn’t very long even though it continued for about 4 hours. Father Spasimir served together with deacon Mark from Mettingham. At the end of the night Liturgy, 48 people took Holy Communion, without counting the clergy.
In the afternoon of the same Easter Sunday, we had the Easter celebration which was also combined with the celebration of the birthday of Father Spasimir who was 60 years old on that day! This celebration was in a Community Hall, it was attended by our parishioners and many other guests, and everyone had an opportinuty to have a good time, to eat any food and break fast, to socialise with each other and even to participate in Bulgarian folk dancing!