St Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church
134-138 Oak Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 3BP
Welcome to St Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church
We are a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) under His Holiness Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Nicholas First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia, and the Right Reverend Bishop Irenei Bishop of London and Western Europe.
Established in 2016, our parish has been continually growing, and welcoming Orthodox people from many different nationalities and backgrounds. We hold services every Saturday evening and Sunday morning, as well as on all important feast days.
We are a parish of the Norwich Orthodox Church Trust (Reg. Charity No. 1185661)

Contact us
Parish Priest : Fr. Spasimir Ivanov
Tel: 07746 272011
Email: frspasimir.norwich@gmail.com
Please contact Fr. Spasimir to arrange a baptism, wedding, confession, house blessing, moleben or memorial service.
Churchwarden: Sergey Dorofeev
Tel: 07954 332547
Email: svdor5@gmail.com
Regent of the choir: Alexandra Bryant
Email: enquiries@alexandrabryant.co.uk
Caretaker: Kristina Southgate
Tel: 07425 611550
Email: kristinabutkute33@gmail.com