Visit of Vladyka Irenei
For the feast of Antipascha 2023 our parish welcomed Bishop Irenei for Paschal Hours and Vespers on Saturday evening, and a Hierarchical Liturgy on the Sunday morning. We were also happy to welcome Deacon Andrei and Subdeacon monk Anthony, who helped to serve during the services. Deacon Andrei was visiting from London and monk Anthony is visiting parishes in Great Britain all the way from Australia!
On Saturday evening Vladyka prayed with us during the usual Vespers service, and afterwards His Grace met some of our new parishioners who have arrived since his last visit, including Father Vladimir’s wife Matushka Antonina and their son Irenei, who we are now blessed to have in our parish choir.
During the service on Thomas Sunday, Vladyka Irenei presented Father Spasimir with an honourary kamilavka (a purple kind of hat that is worn by priests). Vladyka commended Father Spasimir for his six years service in the church, speaking of how the growth of our parish and our love for each other and for Christ is a testament to his abilities and blessings as a spiritual father.
After the Liturgy Bishop Irenei delivered a homily in which he spoke about the difference between the secular kind of doubt which is determined to disbelieve no matter what, and the doubt of Saint Thomas which was willing to believe, but seeking help and confirmation from the Lord to overcome his doubt. Vladyka spoke about the benefits of the prayer expressed by the father of the mute boy whom Christ healed in the Gospels “Lord I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) which the faithful can use in times of difficulty.
After this Vladyka made the ceremonial first cut in the Artos (special blessed bread that was in the Altar throughout all the services during Holy Week and Pascha). His Grace instructed the parishioners that this blessed bread should be dried out and stored in an airtight container, and should be consumed during times of sickness, or spiritual trouble. Our parish was pleased to present Vladyka Irenei with a new Panagia (an icon of the Mother of God that is worn on a chain by Bishops)
When the Liturgy had concluded we made our way to the community centre, where the parishoners had prepared lots of delicious food to celebrate the feast. Bishop Irenei spent some time answering questions, and giving blessings. A joyous time was had by everyone and Bishop Irene’s kind and wise words provided spiritual benefit to all.