Freehold Purchase

Freehold Purchase

On August 7, 2024, we have managed to complete the freehold purchase of our building at 134-138 Oak Street. Therefore, we are now the freehold owners of the building! Thank God for that!

We have also got a 5-year mortgage with a bank for the amount of £32,500: this was arranged in order to get funding for the purchase. But with the help of God and our parishioners, we hope to pay it out quicker than in 5 years. If you would like to help with mortgage payments, please talk to our reader Sergey.

It was a complicated and bureaucratic procedure to negotiate the price with Norwich Council, to negotiate with the bank and to complete all formalities: it took about 1.5 year to do it.

It is a big celebration for our parish because this building will now be a permanent place for Orthodox services in Norwich including future generations. And Lord willing, it will also give us an opportunity to extend or rebuild the current church building in future.
