Visit of Vladyka Irenei

Visit of Vladyka Irenei

On the Sunday of Antipascha in 2024, Vladyka Irenei has visited our parish again, together with deacon Andrei Borisas and reader George Sultan from London. Vladyka participated in the evening Saturday service and in Sunday Liturgy.

It is already the third time when Vladyka Irenei visits our parish on Antipascha, and this has now become a good tradition, as Vladyka has admitted.

During the Sunday service, Vladyka tonsured our parishioner Laurens as a reader. Laurens has been helping us to read service prayers for a long time. During the tonsure, Laurens read an excerpt from the Apostle. This important event was also attended by Laurens’ parents and three brothers.

The Liturgy was, of course, attended by many other parishioners, and the choir sang wonderfully in both Slavonic and English.

In his sermon at the end of the service, Vladyka spoke about the doubt of the Apostle Thomas regarding the resurrection and that such doubt is based on love and leads to God, in contrast to “atheistic” doubt. Vladyka also praised Fr. Spasimir for his diligent service to God.

A big surprise was the icon of Great Martyr George painted by the reader George: this icon was presented by reader George to Fr. Spasimir as a gift to our parish. In turn, Fr. Spasimir presented Vladyka, on behalf of our parish, with an icon of the Mother of God brought from Athos.

After the service there was a celebration in a special rented hall, where Vladyka talked with parishioners and answered their questions.

A lot of delicious food was prepared for the celebration, and at the end of the celebration there were Bulgarian dances.
